Plans Start to Gel

The Reunion Planning Committee met (virtually) again on January 10, 2021. Despite the political disruptions in the country the prior week, we assumed that civilization will continue long enough to have a reunion in August, and so we better plan for it. Vaccines are likely to be widespread and we expect to feel more secure with traveling and meeting in groups. Here are the meeting notes.

Attendees: Terry, Kris, Sue, Jeff, Linda, Ross, Betsy, Thor, Poldi, Dave

Intro: Went ‘round the room’ with quick personal status.


·        (Ross) Virtual re-union? (Poldi) Democratic Convention (on Zoom) could be an example? Hope we don’t need to do this. (Linda) remote event/reunion.. subgroups then major event. (Terry) Could do some preliminary zoom sessions as warm-up. (Linda) or have live plus some remote. (Kris) Also have very good experience. Need very knowledgeable folks running the technology.

·        Thor: update on classmate contacts.  117(?) postcards with 16 returns (bad address, undeliverable, no forwarding etc). So 100 made it to someone. Only 7 folks signed up on web site from this (all eager to attend). Plan to send email (to all with good emails) to confirm their interest in a reunion. Also send out a “missing person” list (also email). 68 “missing” at the moment (email unconfirmed or unknown). (Betsy will put out something to the FaceBook group – looking to confirm emails).

·        Kris. Orono activities director (open to tour, reception). Activities or parties? No (probably a no-alcohol issue). She might find someone with a historical perspective on school (e.g. last 50 years). Kris will set up a date

·        Roving discussion about reunion tentative calendar. Last meeting’s notes gave a fairly crowded schedule (many options, Fri eve – Sun aft). After discussion, we ended up with Sat.-only, with late AM or afternoon event at school (reception, tour) and then an evening event.

·        Sat. evening venue criteria:

o   Affordability. We want to insure no one doesn’t come because it’s too expensive

o   Number. Much in choice depends on final count (40th reunion had about 35?)

o   Conversation friendly. We’d like a venue that allowed conversation, for at least ~half the time (e.g. not too loud).

o   Alcohol is a high want, but not a must.

·        Sat. evening venue options:

o   Jeff knows of Maple Plain venue (Iron Exchange? old grocery store, now brew-house with stage). Jeff will follow up with owner about details. He also knows of a barn in Indepedence, but this would take significant effort to make reunion-ready (keep in back pocket?)

o   Terry will check into details concerning the square dance barn W on hiway 7.

o   Dave will check with RossT on details about Eden Prairie park pavilion. 

·        Plans:

o   Send out a save-the-date ASAP (Sat., Aug. 28). Previous communication said only late Aug. (post card). Thor can send emails and Betsy will post on the Facebook group.

o   Thor: establish a likely count (after a few weeks to “find” others), to help select and book venue at next meeting

·        Next Mtg: February 21, 1PM (Sun)

2 thoughts on “Plans Start to Gel

  1. Hey guys, thanks for the great update. Do you think maybe you could put the last names on your committee members just so we can keep track of exactly who is who? I won’t be able to attend but I really appreciate watching this all come together I know you will be successful. I hope you are all safe and healthy and I wish you a happy new year. Marcia

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. Hi Marcia, you can find the committe members on the “About” page on this site. If you can’t attend, would you have interest in a “virtual” reunion session? It might be a way to include out of town classmates. – Thor.


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